Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chinese Restaurant Dramatic Play Center

 A quick and easy way to add some culture to your dramatic play area.  I collected to-go boxes and chopsticks from a local Chinese restaurant, looked through my yarn collection to find yarn to simulate noodles, and tied some rubber bands on the ends of the chopsticks to help students work on fine motor skills.  Target's dollar section had some felt sushi that I added to the center as well.  Sushi is known to be from Japan, but it believed to be originated (in some fashion) in China.  Homemade felted sushi was also added to the dramatic play area along with materials for a restaurant (notepads, tea cups, tea kettles, trays, water pitchers, plates, etc.)

This center brought up a lot of conversation about different foods from different cultures.  It exposed students to foods that they might not have already known about and allowed them to expand their vocabulary and knowledge of other people. 

I hope that you are able to use this in your classroom!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Making Muffins in the Classroom

The muffin making center is a favorite within the classroom.  It incorporates literacy, mathematics, science, and technology all in one.  Students also have the opportunity to independently follow a recipe using standard tools of measurement.  If their muffin turns out a little dry or small, they can modify their recipe.  It is amazing how each and every child has the feeling of accomplishment while eating his or her muffin.  Here is how you can make muffins:

-Betty Crocker Muffin Recipe (The "Just add water" kind)
-Dixie Cups (The medium sized ones)
-Craft sticks for mixing
-Measuring spoons

-Put 4 Tablespoons of muffin mix in the dixie cup
-Add 3 Half tablespoons of water
-Mix well
-Put in the microwave
-Cook for 45 seconds
-Pop out of the dixie cup to let cool

I hope that you can enjoy this recipe as my students do!  Happy cooking!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Welcome to my blog

Wow! I can't believe that I am doing this! I am actually creating my own blog. I wanted to create a place where I can share my ideas and ideas that I have found with other early childhood educators. I hope that you find the information on my blog useful and are able to use some of these ideas within your classroom. Happy reading!

-Miss Melissa